January 1

it just turned 2010 . . .a tenth of the century has just finished.  wow the last ten years have been tough for everyone, its had some great moments but a lot of really difficult times for the world as a whole. 

i'm here in my apartment in dubai, alone. i didnt feel like going out, i was hoping to be in lebanon, but even that i was not incredibly excited about.  oddly i dont feel to alone and i'm not sad or anything.  there are those i miss but apart from that i'm doing ok.  i spent a lot of today thinking about the last ten years, its a lot to think about, but on the whole i cant complain to much.  i have my health, my wits, my friends, my family . . . i'm not doing half bad. 

i'm excited about what 2010 might bring.  i'm going to try really hard to make it a great year, really enjoy it, appreciate it, and make the most of it.  i have already set one great challenge on myself, i will climbing mt kiliminjaro this aug with some of my closest friends, which i'm really excited about. 

on jan 2 i am going to the sailing club to register for sailing classes, i have been sayig i want to do this for the last three years, i'm finally going to go for ir and do it.

just had a shower, i felt it would be a good way to start the new year fresh, kind of like washing off the old and cleansing myself for the new.  did i just baptise myself? ? ? if i was a believer i would say i did.  as much as i dont believe in religion i cant totally discount all their rituals or concepts. some are just commen sense, but you would think anyone would common sense would not believe in religion to begin with. i will have to continue to think about this one, i have come to terms with my lack of faith or belief but i still question others'.   

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on a journey to getting it right . . .

its 31 December 2009, 10:49pm in Dubai. i am setting up this blog (yet again) to try and start the new year 2010 right. . . .it is after all a blue moon tonight, it gives a sense of anything is possible, so tonight again i continue the journey towards finding myself, the man i am, the man i want to be and perhaps reconciling the two and liking the outcome. . . i have too long looked for meaning and fulfillment from outside of myself to satisfy me and have come to the conclusion that i need to focus internally on myself, taking care of myself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. i realize that, other than the people i choose to surround myself with, there is nothing out there that will help me anymore than i can help myself (apart from the wisdom of friends and scholars) i turn thirty five this year (more that a third of my life. . .optimistically) and i would like to think by then i would be on the path towards finding many of the answers that i crave (to finding true happiness). i'm going to keep this journal regulary (i want to say daily but i know myself yet once again i will keep trying) and document my journey, helping me express myself, explore my thoughts, giving me direction and keeping focused and accountable to myself. i will share my thoughts, and reflect on the past, document the present and ponder the future.

how optimistic are you about 2010?

Kili !!!