December 31

my first order of business in 2010 will be to continue the regimen of exercise and healthy eating i began in 2009. i will slow down on the relationship front this year and take things more step by step, since the divorce i feel that i have been on a sprinting to the finish line (remarrying) which i am not even sure is the end i'm looking for and i figure before i go out and try to share my life with someone, i should focus on improving my own life, i have always said that in a relationship each person should complete themselves and not each other, but rather share of themselves with one another.  i will strive to read more and seek more intellectual stimiluation and challenge myself.

i have a good feeling about 2010.  i am really looking forward to it.  its starting with a blue moon, and though i dont believe in superstition and omens, i am going to allow myself to feel optimistic about the blue moon and start the new year in good spirits. 2009 was not a bad year, made some new friends, some that i can even see staying in my life for a long time, economically it was not great but some networking is making 2010 look positive, and i am in a relationship that is showing a lot of promise, but i still have not found what i'm looking for and will continue my search into 2010.   

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on a journey to getting it right . . .

its 31 December 2009, 10:49pm in Dubai. i am setting up this blog (yet again) to try and start the new year 2010 right. . . .it is after all a blue moon tonight, it gives a sense of anything is possible, so tonight again i continue the journey towards finding myself, the man i am, the man i want to be and perhaps reconciling the two and liking the outcome. . . i have too long looked for meaning and fulfillment from outside of myself to satisfy me and have come to the conclusion that i need to focus internally on myself, taking care of myself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. i realize that, other than the people i choose to surround myself with, there is nothing out there that will help me anymore than i can help myself (apart from the wisdom of friends and scholars) i turn thirty five this year (more that a third of my life. . .optimistically) and i would like to think by then i would be on the path towards finding many of the answers that i crave (to finding true happiness). i'm going to keep this journal regulary (i want to say daily but i know myself yet once again i will keep trying) and document my journey, helping me express myself, explore my thoughts, giving me direction and keeping focused and accountable to myself. i will share my thoughts, and reflect on the past, document the present and ponder the future.

how optimistic are you about 2010?

Kili !!!