January 1

it just turned 2010 . . .a tenth of the century has just finished.  wow the last ten years have been tough for everyone, its had some great moments but a lot of really difficult times for the world as a whole. 

i'm here in my apartment in dubai, alone. i didnt feel like going out, i was hoping to be in lebanon, but even that i was not incredibly excited about.  oddly i dont feel to alone and i'm not sad or anything.  there are those i miss but apart from that i'm doing ok.  i spent a lot of today thinking about the last ten years, its a lot to think about, but on the whole i cant complain to much.  i have my health, my wits, my friends, my family . . . i'm not doing half bad. 

i'm excited about what 2010 might bring.  i'm going to try really hard to make it a great year, really enjoy it, appreciate it, and make the most of it.  i have already set one great challenge on myself, i will climbing mt kiliminjaro this aug with some of my closest friends, which i'm really excited about. 

on jan 2 i am going to the sailing club to register for sailing classes, i have been sayig i want to do this for the last three years, i'm finally going to go for ir and do it.

just had a shower, i felt it would be a good way to start the new year fresh, kind of like washing off the old and cleansing myself for the new.  did i just baptise myself? ? ? if i was a believer i would say i did.  as much as i dont believe in religion i cant totally discount all their rituals or concepts. some are just commen sense, but you would think anyone would common sense would not believe in religion to begin with. i will have to continue to think about this one, i have come to terms with my lack of faith or belief but i still question others'.   

December 31

my first order of business in 2010 will be to continue the regimen of exercise and healthy eating i began in 2009. i will slow down on the relationship front this year and take things more step by step, since the divorce i feel that i have been on a sprinting to the finish line (remarrying) which i am not even sure is the end i'm looking for and i figure before i go out and try to share my life with someone, i should focus on improving my own life, i have always said that in a relationship each person should complete themselves and not each other, but rather share of themselves with one another.  i will strive to read more and seek more intellectual stimiluation and challenge myself.

i have a good feeling about 2010.  i am really looking forward to it.  its starting with a blue moon, and though i dont believe in superstition and omens, i am going to allow myself to feel optimistic about the blue moon and start the new year in good spirits. 2009 was not a bad year, made some new friends, some that i can even see staying in my life for a long time, economically it was not great but some networking is making 2010 look positive, and i am in a relationship that is showing a lot of promise, but i still have not found what i'm looking for and will continue my search into 2010.   

one party, two puffs, and three years in jail

i found out yesterday that a friend's friend, was arrested for three years for drug abuse. this kid was visiting from lebanon for an extended weekend, his company had sent him to dubai for a training class. he was invited to a party over the weekend, and though his friend did not want to go, he went anyway. at the party two prostitutes showed up with marijuana, and were trying to get the guys and the party high, horny, and generous. this kid ended up taking a couple of puffs, and an hour laters the police raided the party and arrested everyone. they told the kid they would release him if he gave them the names of any suppliers or heavy users but he did not know anyone in the country. so they kept him in jail and set a court date for ten days from that date, his friends in the mean time were raising money to pay for a good lawyer. on the day of the hearing the lawyer failed to show up to the court, choosing to take the money and run, the judge barely reviewing the case, sentenced the poor lad to three years in jail for substance abuse.

his friends have called everyone they could think of, lebanese ministers, politicians, but know one wants to get involved. and the poor kid's family has no money or "wasta" connections.

this story really upset me, they are the type of stories that make me want to leave this place. i mean this poor kid's life is ruined, it will hurt his career, it will hurt his future, its killing his parents and girlfriend back home, and not to mention the emotional and psychological damage it will cause him. it just seems way to much for a couple of puffs of a joint. i mean, you can fine the guy, jail him for a week or a month even, deport him if you really have to...but to jail him for three years is ridiculous.

now the kid can only wait and prey that come ramadan the sheikh (ruler) of dubai, will pardon him, which he does each year at that time to show his mercy, but the list of people awaiting a pardon is long and not guaranteed.

this country needs to get some perspective, three years in jail, for smoking two puffs of a joint, at a party one night . . . is just to much.

on a journey to getting it right . . .

its 31 December 2009, 10:49pm in Dubai. i am setting up this blog (yet again) to try and start the new year 2010 right. . . .it is after all a blue moon tonight, it gives a sense of anything is possible, so tonight again i continue the journey towards finding myself, the man i am, the man i want to be and perhaps reconciling the two and liking the outcome. . . i have too long looked for meaning and fulfillment from outside of myself to satisfy me and have come to the conclusion that i need to focus internally on myself, taking care of myself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. i realize that, other than the people i choose to surround myself with, there is nothing out there that will help me anymore than i can help myself (apart from the wisdom of friends and scholars) i turn thirty five this year (more that a third of my life. . .optimistically) and i would like to think by then i would be on the path towards finding many of the answers that i crave (to finding true happiness). i'm going to keep this journal regulary (i want to say daily but i know myself yet once again i will keep trying) and document my journey, helping me express myself, explore my thoughts, giving me direction and keeping focused and accountable to myself. i will share my thoughts, and reflect on the past, document the present and ponder the future.

how optimistic are you about 2010?

Kili !!!