it cannot be good that i started the year sick. spent most of the day in bed. but did manage to go to the book store in the morning and pass by cousin's place. came back home and slept again. i did manage to get a pic of the new tallest tower in the world "burj dubai" that i thought was pretty cool. which i'll try to get off my phone and put in this post
i spent $200 at th book store buying a number of books, i'm hoping to go through them in the next few weeks.
Jan 1
Posted by maher at 2:43 PM 0 comments
January 1
it just turned 2010 . . .a tenth of the century has just finished. wow the last ten years have been tough for everyone, its had some great moments but a lot of really difficult times for the world as a whole.
i'm here in my apartment in dubai, alone. i didnt feel like going out, i was hoping to be in lebanon, but even that i was not incredibly excited about. oddly i dont feel to alone and i'm not sad or anything. there are those i miss but apart from that i'm doing ok. i spent a lot of today thinking about the last ten years, its a lot to think about, but on the whole i cant complain to much. i have my health, my wits, my friends, my family . . . i'm not doing half bad.
i'm excited about what 2010 might bring. i'm going to try really hard to make it a great year, really enjoy it, appreciate it, and make the most of it. i have already set one great challenge on myself, i will climbing mt kiliminjaro this aug with some of my closest friends, which i'm really excited about.
on jan 2 i am going to the sailing club to register for sailing classes, i have been sayig i want to do this for the last three years, i'm finally going to go for ir and do it.
just had a shower, i felt it would be a good way to start the new year fresh, kind of like washing off the old and cleansing myself for the new. did i just baptise myself? ? ? if i was a believer i would say i did. as much as i dont believe in religion i cant totally discount all their rituals or concepts. some are just commen sense, but you would think anyone would common sense would not believe in religion to begin with. i will have to continue to think about this one, i have come to terms with my lack of faith or belief but i still question others'.
Posted by maher at 3:24 PM 0 comments